School Policy Updates for 24-25

Hello everyone and welcome to a new school year! Below are the descriptions of the new student policy changes for USD 509. These will take effect on Monday August 19th.

  • Worked Missed during an absence:
    • Excused Absence - One day per absence + 1 day
    • Example – Student misses 2 days, they have three days to make up work missed
    • Unexcused Absence – Student will not receive an opportunity to make up missing work
  • End of the Semester Finals:
    • Unexcused Absence = Mandatory Finals in Classes Missed
    • Three unexcused tardies = One unexcused absence
    • Finals may only drop a student’s grade up to 10% (Letter Grade)
  • Eligibility Slips:
    • Will no longer require a parent signature
  • Phone Policy Update:
    • Junior High students are not allowed to have their personal electronic devices out at any time during the school day (8:00-3:40)
    • The school has locks available for student lockers to store their personal devices during the day
    • High School students are not allowed to have their personal electronic devices out during class time.
    • They may have them out during passing period and at lunch
    • Failure to follow these rules will result in the following:
    • 1st Violation – Confiscation of the device by the teacher and device placed in the office. Picked up by the student at the end of the day.
    • 2nd Violation – Confiscation of the device by the teacher and device placed in the office. Picked by a parent or guardian only.
    • 3rd Violation – Confiscation of the device by the teacher and device placed in the office. Picked up by a parent or guardian only. Students will check their devices in with the office when arriving at school for the remainder of the current semester. The devices will be returned to the student at the end of the day.
  • All students will eat their lunch in the lunchroom